Poison's M6 Gens Morphs & Controls
"M6 Gens Morphs & Controls by Poison" is a serie of 56 morphs and controls for the new M6's genital figure to be used with Genesis 2 Male on Daz Studio 4.6.
Included morphs :
Foreskin_Copy, Frsk_Globe, Frsk_Incline, Frsk_Left_Right, Frsk_Length, Frsk_Long_Point, Frsk_Scale_Point, Frsk_Up_Point
Gl_Big, Gl_Frenulum, Gl_Incline, Gl_Length, Gl_Point, Gl_Point2, Gl_Rim, Gl_Short, Gl_Slope, Gl_Small, Gl_Urethra_Open, Gl_Urethra_Scale
Sc_Adhered, Sc_Castrate, Sc_Define, Sc_Depth, Sc_Flag, Sc_Front_Back, Sc_Front_Bulge, Sc_Globe, Sc_Left_Right, Sc_Pendulous, Sc_Pointed, Sc_Small, Sc_Smooth_Back, Sc_Twist, Sc_Width
Sh_C_Spongiosum, Sh_Flat_Top, Sh_Girth, Sh_Girth_Base, Sh_Girth_XL, Sh_Height, Sh_Irregular, Sh_Length, Sh_Massive, Sh_Taper
Included controls :
Base Left_Right, Base Up_Down, Base_Girth, Curve Left_Right,Curve Up_Down, Erect 2, Erect, Flaccid, X_Girth, X_Lenght, X_Size
Required Product:Michael 6
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