Pimp My Prop

Pimp My Prop

Pimp My Prop
Pimp My Prop is a set of 115 building surface and ground shaders for DAZ Studio 4.5 designed to help you make the most of your Runtime prop assets. You can, with a single click, change walls, windows, roofs, ground textures and any other building surface. You can use these high quality surface materials to completely transform a building, or just tart it up a little. It's a kind of Fabricator for buildings.

Potential uses include:

1. Applying DAZ Studio-friendly materials to old Poser props

2. Making new, unified building groups from props that belong in different sets.

3. Applying high resolution textures to low resolution props for use in close ups.

4. Freshening up existing buildings, or simply restyling them.

5. Replacing a new surface with an aged one.

Although Pimp my Prop includes some new textures and some luxurious marbles that are ideal for transforming monumental and classical sets, the emphasis is on the aged, the worn and the grungy. There are lots of old stone textures, different kinds of weathered roof textures, rusty bars and shutters to replace windows, rotting boards, mangy plaster, Medieval half-timbered looks, chipped concrete and various kinds of worn and new cobbles and paving textures. There's even some Shader Mixer grass and Astro Turf included.

In addition, you get a set of handy instant tiling presets going from 1 up to 18 so you can easily find the pattern size that works best on your building of choice.

Using the set is dead easy: just select your prop and surface, click on your chosen material, then use the tiling rate presets until it looks just right.


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