Niko V4 Daz original
Niko is a mysterious, bold and enchanting Eurasian beauty for V4. Niko features a custom head morph and a completely original skin texture made from high resolution photos. Her golden skin tones are enhanced with advanced skin shaders and include both glossy and matte default head, body and limb texture MAT poses, as well as five each of glossy and matte makeup head textures. Niko comes with six eye colors and five lacquered nail colors which are achieved via shaders.
What's Included and Features
Niko Character
Niko Head INJ/REM
Niko Body INJ/REM
Niko Head Texture Map (3000 X 3000)
Niko Head Bump Map (3000 X 3000)
Niko Body Texture Map (3048 X 3048)
BNiko Body Bump Map (3048 X 3048)
Niko Limbs Texture Map (3048 X 3048)
Niko Limbs Bump Map (3048 X 3048)
5 Makeup head textures (3000 X 3000)
Niko Specular Head Map (3000 X 3000)
Niko Specular Body Map (3048 X 3048)
Niko Specular Limbs Map (3048 X 3048)
1 Nail texture map
5 Eye texture maps
1 Eye reflection map
1 Tear reflection map
1 Eyelash transparency map
1 Eye transparency map
1 Mouth, teeth and gum texture
MAT pose to apply glossy default head, body and limb textures
MAT pose to apply matte default head, body and limb textures
MAT pose to apply sparkle gloss to matte lip texture
5 MAT poses to apply glossy makeup textures
5 MAT poses to aply matte makeup textures
6 MAT poses to apply eye color textures
5 MAT poses to apply nail color shaders
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