ND Penny for Genenis 8/8.1 Female


ND Penny for Genenis 8/8.1 Female

Introducing Penny, a beautiful and elegant character. She comes complete with 10 expressions that suit her face well.
She comes with 4 eye colors and a natural face (no makeup) option.
Copy the folders (drag and drop)
into your "My Library" folder

load up a Genesis 8/8.1 base figure and search the parameters tab for the morphs
ND Penny Body
ND Penny Head
ND Penny (master slider that applies the above at 100%)

Alternatively go to your characters tab and locate Penny
from here you can select the preset !ND Penny Full Shape Apply

The materials folder contains a full character material preset for IRAY ONLY!

Included presets in the materials folder are

!ND Penny Full Skin Apply
ND Penny Face No Brows
ND Penny Eyes Green-Blue
ND Penny Eyes gray
ND Penny Eyes Ocean Blue
ND Penny Eyes Hazel
ND Penny Face Eyeliner
ND Penny Face No Natural (no makeup)

Character folder contains the following Shaping Presets.

!ND Penny Full Shape Apply
!ND Penny Full Shape Remove
ND Penny Head Apply
ND Penny Head Remove
ND Penny Body Apply
ND Penny Body Remove
ND Penny Alt Breasts Apply
ND Penny Alt Breasts Remove
ND Penny Fuller Breasts

The Expressions folder contains the following presets.

!ND Penny Expression ZERO (removes all Penny expressions if applied)
ND Penny Expression Big Smile
ND Penny Expression Bite
ND Penny Expression Cute Smile
ND Penny Expression Dimple Smile
ND Penny Expression Even more cute
ND Penny Expression Pout
ND Penny Expression Scared
ND Penny Expression Silly Face
ND Penny Expression Smile 1
ND Penny Expression Smile 2

The expression presets apply each expression at 100%, for best result, mix and match and dial them in and out from the parameters tab.
The expressions are designed to work with Penny but may work on others.



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