Mugs, Tankards, and Steins

Mugs, Tankards, and Steins

Mugs, Tankards, and Steins

Ah, see now, don't be drinkin' direct from the bottle, nobody does that!

Huh? Well, of course, we Dwarves use nice strong tankards for that. Humans do, too, though sometimes they use these nifty leather ones for on the road, and Halflings use these cunning mini-barrel like wooden thingies for their ale.. The Elves use these frilly steins for their oh so fancy ciders, and even Orcs use... well, they use the skulls of their enemies for whatever foul brew they drink.

Huh? These two? Not sure, they're kinda small. They smell like Kaff, though, that brown drink from down in the southeast, and our runesmiths have yet to decipher the writing on them...

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