Mst Abra for V4

Mst Abra for V4

Mst Abra for V4

This realistic and stunning character is the new magic for your renders. Abra for V4 is a thoroughly delightful and different character.

Her skin is available with options for two (2) tones; achieved via shader nodes in Poser, and the Ubersurface 2 shader in Daz Studio.

Her face and body shapes are thoughtfully and carefully morphed to capture the mystical essence of the "X factor"; the indescribable force of attraction and appeal. And requires only Victoria 4's base and plus (++) morphs.

This is not your average poser girl; but a full-fledged, astonishing, astounding, mystical, marvelous woman for your renders.

Let Abra be your magical inspiration!

Required Products:
Victoria 4.2 Base
Victoria 4.2 Morphs++
UberSurface2 Layered Shader for DAZ Studio

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