Movie Sets, City Block 14

Movie Sets, City Block 14

Movie Sets, City Block 14
Not tested in Daz Studio

~~~~~ Here is the list of objects included. ~~~~~


Outer Blocks with Hide Show Poses for the two sizes of Grass Sections

Hide Show Poses for each of the blocks


1 City Block Fourteen with the proper limits set, for perfect alignment

8 Separate Homes that may be saved as their own Props

each include 1 or 2 TV Antennas that may rotate

1 Corner Store with fenced in Parking lot

25 Single Polygon Trees that may be sized and moved as you see fit includes Single Weeds. Duplicate for more Trees

1 Single Polygon Trees Grouped the same as when you load the whole city block all 25 of them

in case you want to put all the Trees back the way they were when loading City Block Fourteen.

1 Fire Hydrant

1 Street Lamp

1 Basketball

1 Basketball Backboard on a pole that can be located anywhere

Weeds all over the place may be hidden if you like

1 Single Flat Weed Clone for more of them

1 Single Round Weed Clone for more of them

Many, Many built in details.

1 set of Road Signs

1 Power Pole and Power Line System

Lots of these items may be saved as separate props for other scenes.


5 Block Fourteen all but the Flower Zones .mc6 Dry, Puddles Large, Puddles Small, Raining large, Raining Small

5 Blocks Outer .mc6 Dry, Puddles Large, Puddles Small, Raining large, Raining Small

6 Grass Singles .mc5 Dry Abandoned, Dry Long, Dry medium, Dry Mover is Broken, Dry Short, Puddles

2 Defaults Block Fourteen and Blocks Outer

8 Home Default Materials to put them back to factory settings .mc6

1 Corner Store Default Materials to put them back to factory settings .mc6

28 Plant Singles that may be applied to any plant object. Bushes and Trees .mc5

20 Flower Bed Materials that may be applied to any of the 60 different Flower Zones .mc5

359 Material Maps includes some bump, reflection and Alpha maps


This Quad Modeling totals 61,255 Polygons including the Outer Blocks

The Sky Dome is not included.

All promotional images, completed in Poser

Objects not included in this description are not included.

Not tested in Daz Studio or any other program

May not be used in Second Life for any purpose.

All content by Dreamland Models.

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