Mookini Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
A very sexy cow print suit presented to you by me, for your sexy plus size female character ;). Please Enjoy!
Shoes and Body Morph are NOT included
UV mapped: Yes
Whats included:
MooKini Collar
MooKini Breast Strap with Nip Stickers(moOooO)
MooKini Horns
MooKini Tail Fully Rigged Prop
MooKini Ear Band Fully Rigged Prop with Ear Tag(TY MC3DX)
MooKini Leggings & Sleeves
Breast Pressure and Thigh Pressure Morphs for Genesis 8 Female
Morphs included 12 Total
Multiple Surface Options up to 28 Total
4 Texture Files
Products used in the promos are:
Fantasy Animal Boots 1 For G8F
Body Morph coming out soon
Let me know if any issues occur while using this product i will fix it asap
Renderhub, Mookini Outfit for Genesis 8 Females, Genesis 8 Female, Clothing.
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