Midnight Stories Vampire-Demon (NLA)

Midnight Stories Vampire-Demon (NLA)

Midnight Stories Vampire-Demon (NLA)
An original Poser figure, this is a highly detailed vampire with 3 FBM skinny, heavy ,muscular, morphing wings 3 trans morphs and 7 point morphs. Head has over 23 morphs with a full array of emotions Vampire fangs and sharp teeth morphs, tongue has a set of easy-pose dial, Hands come with Fist and Grasp dials and feet come with a Grasp dials. There are 7 hand poses and 13 body poses and 10 Flying poses. 3 Light presets to get you started. There are 3 base colors which have 4 displacement variations, HIGH, MID,LOW and NONE to make it easy for different camera shots. Also 7 different Eye mats and 5 different nail mats. Giving you a complete package to start that classic horror scene.


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