Mega Weapons

Mega Weapons

Mega Weapons

Demo Video Here!

9 Heavy Weapons and a bonus Jetpack blueprint:

Proximity Mine

Dynamite (Timed Mine)

C4 (Remote Mine)

Chain Lightning Gun

Healing Beam



Homing Rocket Launcher



All weapons have fully featured Blueprints and VFX and are easily editable to adjust parameters and meshes to best suit your project.

Now all fully replicated to work in multiplayer with a listen server!

Dedictated servers not currently supported.

Note: Some Blueprints may required minor editing to ensure compatibility with your Enemy Character setup.

Technical Details

27 Blueprints
31 Meshes
56 Materials
71 Textures
21 Particles

Texture Sizes:

15x 2048x2048
43x 1024x1024
2x 1024x512
3x 512x512
1x 1024x256
2x 256x512
3x 256x256
1x 512x64
1x 128x128

Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes/No) Yes

Vertex Count: from 200 to 3000

LODs: no

Number of Meshes: 31

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 56

Number of Textures: 71

File Hosting: Google Drive

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