Makeup Artist Essentials L.I.E Poses and Expressions

Makeup Artist Essentials L.I.E Poses and Expressions

Makeup Artist Essentials L.I.E Poses and Expressions

With the Makeup Artist Essentials L.I.E Poses and Expressions, you'll be the creator of the best looks for your characters to wear.

Create the simplest and cutest looks to the most extravagant, sexiest, and full-on glam ones! Wear classic, warm brown tones, or go full-on diva with colorful and glittery moments. Play with all the customizable layers of MUA essentials until you achieve that perfect look you're going for. Add an intricate full-body pose and matched expression, and you'll be set for that amazing render you're dreaming of.

Get the Makeup Artist Essentials L.I.E Poses and Expressions today!

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