M4 Beard PLUS

M4 Beard PLUS

M4 Beard PLUS
M4 Beard PLUS is a set of real hair textures that harnesses the potential and versatility of your M4 beard to transform and enhance your M4 characters and textures.
This product includes 100 MAT style presets in the five most useful colors: dark, brown, blonde, red and grey. The 15 basic style presets in each color match the styles in the base product so you can render them in stunning, realistic detail. The transparency maps in the set are created from individually painted digital hairs so each hair can displaced separately for better effect. Each of the four layers for each style features different hair growth patterns, and different tonal variations in the color maps. This means you can, for example, combine a grey layer with a dark one for a more mature look or combine a red layer with blonde layers for a more ginger tone. There are so many possible variations. The maps are never repeated, so there is no possibility one map ever being hidden under a layer by an identical map.

This product also includes five presets for one click combinations to save you having to manually swap the maps in and out. All these sets can be layered with the 1-Click M4 Face Hair for even more varied, realistic and sophisticated facial hair options. You can also create any fantasy facial hair color you wish by simply loading the desired style, removing the texture map and adding a diffuse color. The M4 Beard with M4 Beard PLUS will be among the most useful items in your runtime.

What's Included and Features
15 Facial Hair Styles
5 Color Options:
15 Transparency Maps (up to 3072 x 3072)
5 Texture Maps (3000 x 3000)
Poser 5+ MAT Poses (.PZ2)
DAZ Studio Material Presets (.DS)


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