Lunar Craters Moonscape (NLA)

Lunar Craters Moonscape  (NLA)

Lunar Craters Moonscape (NLA)

(No longer available)
Lunar Craters is the third in a series of useful ground props for your renders for both DAZ Studio 3+ and Poser 6+.
This moonscape environment offers a modulating terrain of craters or various sizes that are out of this world.
The terrains can be tiled together into unique layouts.One full preLoad offer a deep crater option and additional detailed models give the loose scattered rock debris and background spikes of a distant inhospitable space environment. Cold, barren, and waiting for your renders.
Also included are the promo light sets,camera presets, and background image seen in the promos,to get you started off quickly.
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following Poser Libraries:
Camera: "FirstBastion : LunarCraters"
Light: "FirstBastion : LunarCraters"
Props: "FirstBastion : LunarCraters"
Textures: "FirstBastion : Background Backdrops"
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
"Environments : First_Bastion : LunarCraters"
"Environments : First_Bastion : LunarCraters : Bonus"
"Environments : First_Bastion : LunarCraters : Camera"
"Environments : First_Bastion : LunarCraters : Light"
"Runtime : Textures : FirstBastion : Background Backdrops"

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