LK Morphs and Shapes G8M Dicktator V3

LK Morphs and Shapes G8M Dicktator V3

LK Morphs and Shapes G8M Dicktator V3

Included in this set are 67 new morphs, 10 posing sliders and 74 shaping presets in total, plus 7 reset options.

Mix the morphs yourself and play with the sliders to get many different variations of shapes.

There is also a little Thumbnail-Tutorial included how you can save your own one-click presets fast and easy.

Morphs and Shaping presets only for Dicktator v3.
They all work also for the 8.1 Dicktator.



12 Glans Shapes
6 Glans Details
2 Foreskins
12 Shaft Shapes
13 Shaft Details
12 Testicle Shapes
10 Testicle Details
10 Posing Sliders

Shaping Presets

10 LK shapes - each as short, middle and long
10 Mixed shapes - each as short, middle and long (mixed with LK and Dicktator morphs)
14 Bonus shapes (mixed with LK and Dicktator morphs)
7 Reset Options

Required Product:Genesis 8 Male Dicktator V3

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