LinkGear outfit for Michael 4
Our future lies underground!
For decades now, we have been recruiting for our group, our Downside Survivors, or short the DownS. Everyone who is able in body and mind, and also, everyone who can keep a secret. And you know what happened to those who couldn't, right? We built our new holds and keeps under the surface. Up there, there's nothing to survive upon, and we were smart enough to act on that very early on. Everything we found was put to use in these first years. From cellars to that forgotten and abandoned military installation, big parts of old subway tunnels and whatever you can think of. This is our home and the place from which the new future will rise!
To protect themselves from the harsh conditions Upside, DownS utilize the LinkGear, a combination of protective body armor and environmental suit. It makes them mobile and enables them to stay linked to their commanders Downside and their teammates Upside. Expeditions are short, nonetheless. No one wants to risk further contamination and endanger the precious gene-pool any further. Not to speak of their own (more or less) intact skins inside those suits.
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