Legacy Davo Pulp Noir Series Chamber 1

Legacy Davo Pulp Noir Series Chamber 1

Legacy Davo Pulp Noir Series Chamber 1

- PC Compatible
- Not developed on Mac. Performance not guaranteed. Adjustments to poses may be necessary
- Not compatible with Poser
- Daz Studio 4.8+
- .obj, .jpg, .duf, .png file formatted files.

- Chair 1: Wooden restraining chair with arm rests and cuffs. Pose files for V4, M4, G3M, G3F and matching chair pose are included.
- Chair 2: Tubular metal restraining chair, fully adjustable and articulated. (3) pose files for M4, G3M V4 and G3F plus matching poses for the chair are included.
- Chamber: The chamber has 4 walls, posable door, adjustable height ceiling, re-positionable ceiling lamp and 2 re-positionable utility lights. Viewing window can be hidden and replaced with jail cell type bars.
- Chamber - Gas Assembly: Chamber with gas piping and steam-gas already parented.
- Chamber - Water Assembly: Chamber with water surface and water piping already parented.
- Gas Steam - Large, Gas Steam - Small 1-3: These are flat surface 3d.
- Piping - Gas: This is a pipe with 3 adjustable "shower heads" that spew out poison gas. This fits into the ceiling of the chamber.
- Piping - Gas Assembly: This is the "shower heads" with 3 of the gas steam gas/steam jets pre-parented to the heads.
- Piping - Water: This is a water pipe that fits onto the left side wall. It can be moved around. You can use this with the Water Surface figure to turn the chamber into a water tank.
- Valve - Pipe Small: Simple hand turned valve and pipe that is wall mounted. You can place it anywhere.
- Valve - Pipe Stem: This is a simple floor mounted hand turned valve. It is height adjustable.
- Valve - Pipe: This is a larger wall mounted pipe and valve system. It has a morph to move the pipe/concrete block pad over to the left and 2 standard pipe/concrete block pad position presets.
- Valve - Pull Cable: This is pull string/cable style valve that is wall mounted.
- Water Suface: This is a cubed water surface.
- Xtra tile Floor: This is a floor mesh that fits inside the chamber with matching tile textures.
- Detailed Readme file
- Props: Smart prop wrist, ankle and neck cuffs for G3M, M4, G3F and V4


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