LayLo3D Pose Library for Maya
Custom Serial inside, please read the readme file.
Have you ever wished you could use Daz 3D poses in Maya and/or save HumanIK poses to use them again later?
Now you can!
LayLo 3D's Pose Library creates a user interface in Maya for both your Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Male and Female poses. It automatically finds your Daz 3D content libraries and pulls the poses from their corresponding folders.
It's compatible with HumanIK (HIK) and doesn't require the use of any specific HIK definition to work properly. It includes a HIK calibration tool to figure out your custom HIK definition and then work accordingly.
It automatically converts pose from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 and from Genesis 8 to Genesis 3.
It has a built in "Pose Mixer" feature that allows you to right click on a pose in it's library and select which limb from the preset you would like to take the pose information from and apply it to your characters corresponding limb.
It includes a "Custom HumanIK" pose library allowing you to save your own HIK poses complete with a snapshot of the pose for easy reference. If you don't use HIK it has one for poses based off the characters joint rotation values as well.
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Which version is this? The latest 1.2 ?
There is no reference to the version in any of the files, and I am having problems with the plugin not finding most of my poses.
This doesn't work on Maya 2019? I can't enable the plugin at all.