Kissable Genesis 9 (Female)

Kissable Genesis 9 (Female)

Kissable Genesis 9 Females is a set of 60 Lipstick textures & various accent options for Genesis 9 Female. This set includes options to create 2-tone lipsticks with these textures

Also included are 3 design accents for over the lipstick. These accents include settings to alter the designs for just upper or lower lip as well as strength, shine and colour settings.

Utility settings are included for gloss options from shiny to Matte, strength options and adjustments to the darkness.

This set utilizes the Makeup node (as well as metallic) and will require PBR skin settings. You can of course alter these to overlays for your characters if you choose.

This set is a Merchant Resource (see readme for restrictions).

3-DArena,Genesis 9,Makeup

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