Jepe's Bodyhair Project 78
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With this pack you will get Geometry Shell and Bodyhair Presets for Genesis 3 Male(s) and Genesis 8 Male(s). Bodyhair includes lower and upper arms, chest and abdomen, back and hip, upper and lower legs in numerous different variations and degrees of coverage. It was thoroughly hand-painted in Cinema4D's Bodypaint and Adobe's Photoshop after real life photo sources of human hair growth patterns. Anatomical Elements are supported as well in both DAZ Studio renderers, 3Delight and NVidia Iray. 34 different bodyhair options can all be set to 4 base colors: black, brown, blonde and red, and 4 transparency strengths: default, strong, stronger and strongest (appearance). Hair color can also easily be changed in the Surface's Tab Diffuse channel - be creative with the aliens!
Geometry Shells are UV independent, you can use any character skin (and shape) that exists for Genesis 3 Male(s) / Genesis 8 Male(s) and any which are yet to come. Although provided in high resolution textures (4096 px) it is light in using computer resources and the easy alternative (or combination) to fibermesh hair.
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