iray geolocator + Fix
A must-have plugin for all Iray users, GeoLocator will let you browse the world map or query the cities database, pick your preferred location, and set Iray environment settings accordingly.
Surf around the globe and see sky and environment settings automatically adjust as you change location, time and date: now you can simulate light condition occurring in every corner of the world in a matter of seconds, and render with accurate settings for each geographic location!
Note: a fix is included with this one for the black screen and crash!
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I have no idea how to install this!
copy the fix to your daz3d program directory (not your liberary but where daz3d has been installed it needs to be put in your plugin directory), and override the old one.
ok so the .dll files go in the plugin folder. And where does the [geolocatorAM] folder is supoused to go?
thats is your fix copy the
[geolocatorAM]to your daz3d plugins dir including the .dll file. start daz3d and geolocator will now work.