Ideal Beauty: Gia 6 Addon

Ideal Beauty: Gia 6 Addon

Ideal Beauty: Gia 6 Addon

Gia 6 Add-on for Ideal Beauty product highlights this premiere 3D model.

It contains an improved set of morphs to make Gia look better in movement.

Gia has more defined muscles than V6 and requires different shapes.

These morphs work in the background and automatically apply when the body parts are posed. The morphs transfer into all clothing automatically, just set the 'Ideal Beauty' dial to 1.

The product is very simple to use, it loads automatically together with Genesis 2 Female. No scripts, no manual work, no unnecessary dials and no injection files. We always take care of realism and beauty in our products.

Required Product:Ideal Beauty for Genesis 2 Female and V6

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