iClone Pro 7.92.5425.1
What's new in this version of the program, changes, bug fixes of the previous version.
Supports the newly-released iClone Unreal Live Link plug-in, along with some bug fixes and enhancements.
- New Digital Human Shader: a new generation of Reallusion Digital Human appearance for head, body, eyes, teeth and hair.
- New shape options for spot and point lights. You can determine the volume for the lights as tube, cube, and more. Light shapes can now support textures that can also have an influence on the shape of the light emission (similar to masking).
- Orthogonal perspective is now available for the Preview camera.
- Shadow settings can now be adjusted individually.
- 3d stereo settings can now be adjusted individually.
- Motion clips can now be scaled without deleting the key.
- Motion clips can now be sampled frame by frame.
- Edit motion layers now support local axis.
- Loop-able areas can now be set in the timeline.
- Motion clips and keys can now be scaled.
- New Align to Previous Motion Layer command allows for clips to align their motion layer to the previous clip.
- Render options can now be customized.
- Users can now save and render trial content (with watermark).
- Attach, Link, Look At, and Motion Layer keys now support a search function speeding up structural list switching.
- Viseme keys can now be added without an audio clip.
- The timeline can now snap to the front or end of a clip by holding down the Shift key.
- When a directional light and spot shadow caster is attached to the character, the said items could no longer be found under the Scene Manager.
- Characters not following the path when walking. Feedback Tracker
- Not able to import videos and images via iClone's import menu.
- Walking motions applied to the character caused it to move diagonally.
- The starting key disappears when a Motion Modifier is applied.
- Discarded simulation frames are not kept with the project.
- Unnatural shaking of the left leg for Motion Puppet Female 02_Basic Walk.
- Picking a collision shape does not force an automatic refresh when Reduce Idle Load is checked..