Hybrid Trees - Pruned
Withe Hybrid trees one can use many different materials for each tree, all materials on the previous Hybrid Trees products can be used with this product and vice versa. The mesh is quad ploy based and can be used with Sub-D. This trees are for medium distance and close ups. The models mimic the tree growth from 7 to 27 meters. The poly count ranges from 100k polys to 500K mostly around 250K. The UVs are mapped, for the trunk they are overlapped and tiled.
Tip-1 For close ups one can adjust the tiles on the horizontal tiles always use round numbers like 1,2,3...
Tip-2 When using Sub-D use an algorithm with sharp edges and corners, this will avoid deformations on the leaves...
The scenes in the promos are included, but to open without error's the one must have the products Realistic Grass Evolution, HDRI Daylight Clean Skies, HDRI Dawn Clean Skies.
This promotional images do have miner post-work.
Required Products:
Realistic Grass Evolution, HDRI Daylight Clean Skies, HDRI Dawn Clean Skies
Required Product:Realistic Grass Evolution