Homeland Service for AFS
This texture pack for Michael_C´s Armored Fighting Suit contains five new battle proven texture variants for various kind of units like, standard army textures for "Green Devils" special reconnaissance unit, Mars Protection Forces - Marprofor, Urban Fighters "Pub Crawlers" and as well Vertipolis Police Enforcer Unit and Private Security Unit. Ale these textures variants are made in PBR and Specular variants with all props and alternate Hatches for different suit configurations and includes brand new interior textures.
What is included:
Army, Mars, Urban, Police and Security textures for all suit variants and props.
All Metallic Materials are both PBR and Specular Variants
Up to 2kx2k and textures suitable for closeups, Unpacked Runtime Size: 160 MB.
suitable for animations. Original Design.
Required Product:A.F.S. Armored Fighting Suit