Garment Tool for Blender v2.0.2
Garment Tool is Blender add-on (for Blender 3.6 and 4.x) designed to simplify process of making simulation ready cloth meshes inside Blender. Simulation meshes are generated from 2D Bezier curves, sewed together and then triangulated into final cloth mesh.
ability to define sewing's between sewing patterns (2d Bezier curves), directly in 3d view-port,
ability to generate evenly triangulated mesh with adjustable resolution with generated vertex groups and modifiers
interaction with simulated cloth
support for cutting holes inside sewing patterns
Garments Library - save/load your sewing patterns from library. Few samples are included in file.
helper tools for symmetrize, splitting, duplicating, flipping 2d curve sewing patterns.
Pocket tool for generating sewings from source patterns to target pattern
Bind Tool -> easy way of projecting 3d mesh, on surface of simulated cloth (useful for making attachments, bags, pockets, etc.)
saving baked simulation into shape-key
Required Product:Blender
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