FREE - ShareCG Freebie Mega Bundle for G8 series (Some of the best from the first 1oo DAZ search pages - 74 items total) - FREE
Well where to begin,
I had some time over the weekend, so I dug into looking for free goodies. As I got into it a bit I wondered who out there may not even know of this resource... So then I set some self imposed parameters and decided I will gather what I thought was SOME of the Best of the Best, and share them for their creators in hopes of perhaps driving possible business back their way. So please, if you find something inside this MONSTER bundle, head back to ShareCG and show the artist the love they deserve.
My parameters are pretty simple.
1, All items are for DAZ only.
2. All items must be either a Prop, Environment, Morph, Outfit, or Character.
3 All Items must be usable for Gen 8 series or above.
4, All Items will be laid out with exact title for easy re-searches on your end (That said I added what series it was for on ends of Official title name if needed)
Some SIDE notes of interest:
1. Models like the space craft depicted in this image...
Have many more made by the creator that were well worth being added into this bundle. SO if you like this one, Search it's title and check out the creators pages for more.
2. Same as the first but this time it is more randomized...
These images are worth a deeper dive into the creators pages.
3. The creator behind these helmets...
Also had complete uniforms, props, and weapon packs available for free as well. I remember seeing Halo weapons, and a Master Chief Cosplay suit while visiting the pages.
Well I think that's all the hit points I wanted to get out. I hope you like this collection. If ever I find another FREE resource so wealthy in goodies I will make another share of equal caliber once again.
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