Foxes Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Foxes comes w/ a delicately baked and realistic young adult female character morph.
Foxes could be that cool flapper girl down the street that doesn't seem to give a shit, but does actually.
She could be that tomboyish big cousin who treated you kindly (but in a snappy way) when you were younger.
Or maybe just a woo girl friend; maybe she could be your M.P.D.G (manic pixie dream girl).
She has sharp but fetching facial features in a skinny/spoon frame.
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This pack contains:
. Foxes 8.1 (full morph)
. Foxes 8.1 (head morph only)
. Foxes 8.1 (body morph only)
. Foxes 8.1 (nipples)
. Foxes 9 (full morph)*
Skin textures are NOT INCLUDED.
Hair, Clothes and Accessories used in the promo pictures are NOT INCLUDED.
Promo Model #1: Khemsit 8 (skin) / Toyen's Ayaan Hair & SdeB's Bantu Knots / ShanasSoulmate's Inked vol 19, 20 & 31
Promo Model #2: Saiyaness' Tarni (skin & brows) / Nirvana's Idol & Explorer Hair / ShanasSoulmate's Inked vol 17 & 18
ps: as I was searching for some good skins to use on the promo pictures, Foxes looked great on Crow 8.1 (specially w/ a strong SSS) and particularly beautiful on The hawk's Dasha - all promo pictures were made using a Genesis 8.1 Female character.
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The morph dials are Located under Actor/ on the Parameters tab (just type for 'Foxes')
But you can also find all Shape presets on your Library under People/Sza Trippie/Foxes
* the Genesis 9 morph was created using RSSY's Character Converter - it was put in there as extra content, it may not depict all the shape details you would otherwise find if using her original Genesis 8.1 Female shapes... mind to raise the subd. level to 3 and to scale both her eyes up to 108% if using Genesis 9.
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