Would You Like to Wake Up to This....

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  • #2115419
    Rank: Rank 5

    @d0gg0d Oh gosh! I love anything featuring Butters. The pimp episode was great; especially when he went to the pimp convention and was getting advice from seasoned pimps. And referring to the little girl as ''his bottom bitch''.

    Yeah; he'd make a decent Bond. Lol! had a nightmare few days here dealing with the aftermath of a horrendous storm, and trying to keep myself and my kids warm, hydrated and fed without power and running water. If I had to choose between a three day power outage and very little resources (no cash in the house) (the banks were offline, as internet and phones were down too) and a cat monster - I'd choose the monster every time.

    Rank: Rank 5

    wow , that must have sucked power being out for that long as well as no internet and stuff , the longest we have been with nothing is about 12hrs. The cats not so scary or anything but with the size of it I just wouldn't want to have to clean it's litter box -lol 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    @itsmenotyou It was insane. Then it made heavy snow the morning after the storm, further hampering the restoration efforts. Then the water supply stopped, because the treatment plants had lost power too. And, there are still many, many people without power or water almost a week later. 🙁

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