I just tried Topaz. It is, however, easier to use. I see that the Topaz image is a little bit slicker after conversion. They both have the same resolution.
Easy to use.
Extract the program to a directory of your choice.
Create an input and an output directory.
Fill input dir with jpg files you want to convert.
open the command prompt in Windows.
Go to the directory where the program is located.
Type this line and then enter:
realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i C:\......\input -o C:\......\output
@tammebelg Thanks for the usage information for Real-ESRGAN, makes things a lot easier.
I had Topaz for a while but only used it on final images, I hadn't thought about upscaling textures. Going to try this out. I might be able to revitalise some old content maybe.