Torment 8.1 Update for Eyebrows

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  • #1668438
    Rank: Rank-1

    I read that there was an update issued for Torment 8.1's eyebrows and I was wondering if the main file would be updated, or if there would be a new post for us to receive this update and download it. Cheers! 😀

    Rank: Rank 5

    The Torment 8.1 Temptations Bundle PLUS ADD-ONS package contains the most up-to-date versions of the files. There was an update to the base figure, the Leonard HD figure and the Essential Poses package the day after it was released and I made sure those updates were included before I posted it. Hope that helps.

    The link leads to a folder so you don't have to download the whole thing, just the bits you want/need.

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