The Ice Dragon

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  • #2004300
    Rank: Rank 7

    After a long absence I am back to say hello to everyone. 😇

    Mostly into AI art these days, I just wanted to share some stuff too 🙂

    I wish you all the best!

    Rank: Rank 5

    Welcome back. Watched a program about AI ( again) last night. I do not think it is a path I want to go. AI needs input to generate. There comes a point that AI is learning from AI. All we get is more mediocre crap, and all creativity is lost.

    Rank: Rank-1


    When I looked at it first 2 things I thought was that looks pretty good and it looks like AI art.

    I really wanted to get into the art but once I made a couple images I felt no attachment to the picture. A computer making a kit-bash of other peoples work and calling it my own felt soulless. Its no more my creation than if I told an artist what to paint and paid him for it. With Daz I'm already using resources created by another person this is just one step further in the wrong direction.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I guess there is a difference.
    I could not draw a face if my life would depend on it 🙁
    I see the resources as a kind of " brush". ( Like in Paint Shop Pro)
    But a Brush I can edit ( texture, colour etc)
    Once al the brushes are in place I can play with light, DOF, and other sliders, to get the "feel" I like.
    But it al is still a tool I use to create something, doing a 1000 adjustments during the creating.
    But I agree on your view of AI.

    Rank: Rank 5

    "All we get is more mediocre crap, and all creativity is lost." Not at all graver. It all depends on the rule of how much effort you apply to it..... shit in... shit out and the same applies to DS or any art process.
    "a kit-bash of other peoples work", isn't that exactly how DS works too?, even more so because the DS user has far less control over how the final image looks. If anything, DS is more for lazy content-reliant artists than AI users. I admit I thought the same before I tried using AI and how hard it is to make anything you want, apart from the meaningless crap that both AI and DS produces if one doesn't care shit about what they're even trying to do.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Thanks for the welcome 🙂

    And yes, AI imagery has its own "look", just like 3D, or any other type of specialized medium, and certainly, not everything is for everyone. However, remember that AI comes with many types of models, from pixel art, anime, photorealistic, and more. And it moves forward super fast.

    Is it mediocre? I think that in any medium you get the good, the bad, and the awesome. Stuff made with little effort certainly looks "average" or "meh". The good stuff takes a lot of time and patience, and not everyone does that.

    But, creativity is still there, maybe not so much in this picture (it still required imagination?), but I typically edit my images in Photoshop (like I did with 3D images btw), and fix all the madness that an AI introduces (hands and other stuff).

    Plus, using certain extensions, you can also pose characters and have more control over your composition.

    Rank: Rank 5

    "....fix all the madness that an AI introduces" LOL
    It's truly mad what AI comes up with without being asked..... being semi-mad myself, I kind of like how it works. If you're not a little mad as an artist you can't produce much worthwhile.

    Rank: Rank 7

    @Frank22 🙂 So true, imagination requires a good deal of chaos and can sometimes surprise the artist himself (I know it does surprise me quite often in any medium I use).

    Rank: Rank-1

    HI guys, by my own, i have to admit i "envy" sometime some AI creation 🙂 but I admit even it looks really nice, I will not use, for now, this tool.
    My pleasure is to create a pic using my own imagination, I admit poor sometime, thats why i try to copy and take inspiration in others work or real photography.
    I do like working all in my own images, try to make it the "most" real as i can.
    For nowi still not find this same satisfaction in an AI work.
    Beside it, i respect the choice of some to use AI to satisfy their own and personnel creativity.

    Cheers, and have fun all 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    since a short while, i'm using and do some "experience" with the last photoshop version and its own way to use kind of AI to create, or cleaning an image.
    thats, for me, the best way to use AI, kind of help, more than a real tool for creation.

    Rank: Rank 5

    We still have the human factor in those cases.
    The program I saw was on Dutch tv, so I guess no use to show it here.
    But the machine learning al depends on what it gets fed. A person made a simple example.
    Google " schoolgirl" then " schoolboy".
    Google searches on metadata, and the girl version is a lot more eroticly loaded. This is because a lot of man seem to want to see nice ladies dressed up as school girls.
    Ergo, the Ai will use what it finds, generated an " average" and creates an image accordingly.
    Al the images AI creates themselves become " Models" AI can use
    There comes a point where machines learn machines, at which time it will start running in cirkels so to speak.
    I do not want to knock your work, but I do not think AI is a good development.
    Another prog showed two medical scientists, that gave AI the command, create any vaccine possible, and it did so promptly. But when they altered a single 0 to a 1, they got formula's for creating any virus you could think of. That kind of shit scares me to be honnest

    Rank: Rank 7

    @Serge2804 I think that everyone should find the process and tools that better satisfies their creative needs, so if you found something that gives you a sense of accomplishment, I am happy for you.

    However, you should know that you can actually use an add-on that allows you to "extract a pose" from characters (you can even pose your daz characters to your liking) and then create an image with people in that pose.

    Here is an example:

    1. I started with this pose from this product here

    2. I extracted the pose at an angle I wanted to try:

    3. I created an image with AI following those skeletons:

    Rank: Rank 7

    @gaver Personally, and I am more scared of tyrants.

    Is AI good or bad? I don't know, I think of AI just as a tool (at least for now), the only thing I know is that it is inevitable, so better make the most out of it.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Recent developments, like AI & NFTs further blur lines in creativity & ownership.

    There is good and bad in every medium, new tools present both new opportunities and issues.


    Rank: Rank-1

    @Legolas18 For sure thats amazingly powerfull, and the result is great !!

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