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  • #1250808
    Rank: Rank 4

    Hi guys.I can access to my contents from Content Library tab but my Smart Content tab is empty. How can I access to my contents in Smart Content tab by a thumbnail?
    Thank you

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm still fairly new to Daz Studio myself and I may be wrong, but from my own experience so far, I think if you manually install content into your directory it does not show in the smart content tab. There may be programs/scripts that can add icons to the smart content tab.

    If you use the Install Manager to install downloaded content, then the assets should show in the smart content pane.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Thank you. Yes I'm a hundred percent pirate, and just install content manually. so I have to go to every folder to view the content and looking for a way to view a thumbnail without need to go to every folder in Content Library.

    Rank: Rank-1

    You can still install Zone content using the Install Manager.

    If the item has the IM000 prefix, you can put it into the Install Manager folder, the file path will be something like...

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads

    Once the zip is in there, open the Install Manager app and it will show in the ready to install tab.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Oh! Thank you, didn't know that!. Before that I was extracting and copying products one by one! lol!
    Thank you.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    I usually open the install manager after checking the Work Offline box - to avoid connecting to Daz.
    I have 2 systems and only connect on the one that I want to check for updates etc on purchased items [or download purchased items].
    If you check the insstal location for any purchased items, you can also copy this DIM file to your 2nd system [if using one].

    As mentioned above "If the item has the IM000 prefix" Do not be put off if you do not find a DIM formaat file. Anumber of posters alter the file names, add folders, just generally mess about with the format [no idea why - really annoying].
    If you check the item on Daz site, you may find that the file contains the SKU number. This is an indication that thius is likely the DIM file and has been renamed [ 🙁 ].
    If not, view the file with winzip, to see its contents.
    If you can see a folder named Content, or a Manifest file, or Supplement file - that is also an indication the you are viewing the DIM zip file.
    To use it in install manager rename in this format;
    XXXXX [X is the SKU number - usually 5 numbers for newer items. If less than 5 numbers increase no of 0's so that DIM + 0's+ SKU = 10 characters] i.e
    DIM00012345 OR
    DIM00001234 [simples - yes? 🙂 ]

    The rest of the file name is made up of the item description
    I always add two more details before this.
    Immediately after the SKU add -01 [if more than one file add -02 etc]
    Then add _ [underscore]
    Do not put gaps or hyphens or underscores in item description.
    So a fully restored DIM zip filename should look like;

    Take your time looking at files you already have, practice on a copy of a file. You should soon be able to correct all the naming problems caused by the ones that like to mess up the file structures. 🙂

    If all of this gives a headache - hit wall with head repeatedly until problems go away - or stick to files with unaltered DIM content.

    Happy loading.....

    Rank: Rank 4

    Thank you so much Paul

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