Seaside Swap

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  • #2019294
    Rank: Rank-1

    Seaside Swap (2023-08-28) B-01.png

    Xoraia swaps her flower for the crab's conch shell.

    This is a WIP. Got the dforce to drape while character is sitting but I think this piece (Lully short kaftan) simply is not made for sitting poses the way it's designed. It's inadvertently giving the pose a bit of an awkward look. I'll likely need to do a wardrobe change. Out of town the next two weeks.

    thanks for the tip around dforce. It works real well now!

    Rank: Rank 5

    She's nice, and yes not all clothes drape well with dForce. But it is always a lot better then " static" cloth I think

    Rank: Rank-1

    u right guy, the legs of Xoraia have kind of little "problem", more upper legs, dommage:( . I like the render and effect of the "dress". For sure not all of clothes accept dforce, dommage because when u wish to dress a model with a coth u like, the dforce cannot be apply and needed to be changed.

    Rank: Rank 5

    You'd be surprised that a lot, well quite a few, non-dForce clothes will dForce fine. Of course some will just explode.... dommage 😪.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Marvellous details and skin. Just fabulous to see this scene. 🙂

    A really fresh breath in on the beautiful beach.

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