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  • #1791457
    Rank: Rank-1


    So I tossed this girl into a render. Its a texture Ive been messing with and a HDRI I made in PS. I ran it at 5000 samples

    Unfortunately I got distracted with the baby and have no idea how long the render took. it was averaging about 1% per minute.

    I dont have as keen an eye as some people and they can see noise easier than me. The only thing that stood out to me was a bit of redness around the lips. I cant see how adding 24 hours to its render time would improve it.

    I did tweak the color a bit in PS.

    Any constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The red probably comes from SSS layer. If you realy don't want this effect you can tweek it in PS easly. I also have a feeling that her skin seams older than the shape of her face

    Rank: Rank-1


    Thanks. I guess I need to age her a bit.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Nicely lit test render. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1


    Thanks 🙂

    Been messing with HDRI creation. Other than actual real places, its pretty easy to make your own and really not much of a need to buy more than one or two to see how they are set up.

    Rank: Rank 5

    "I cant see how adding 24 hours to its render time would improve it." Neither can I.
    If fact I consider it ridiculous that some people spend days+ rendering an image.
    The funny thing about adjusting SSS colour is that it works the opposite way you think it would. To reduce skin redness you have to bump up the SSS red saturation.. the redder the SSS value the less red the skin appears.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks @Frank22

    This is a quick render I stopped at 2551 samples. Eyes still suck. will need to get a good texture for them. Aged her a bit. not sure why she got compressed to 800x800.

    Rank: Rank 5

    I like the skin better with less redness, but it's hard to compare without the hair.... I just made a little rhyme:)

    Rank: Rank 6

    Really nice, but I think the skin is a tad rough. Try bringing down the bump by a factor of 10, with decent normal mapping that should look perfectly natural. If it's too smooth, tweak it up by half... you'll wind up eventually at the sweet spot.
    Also, looks like she's been hitting the bong. Too much capillaries in the sclera makes one look stoned :p

    Rank: Rank-1


    Thanks. I may leave her as is just for the stoned look. Wasnt my goal but, could always use a stoner in something.

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