(DISCUSSION) Sad to see my posts being stolen

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  • #1657485
    Rank: Rank-1

    @plebby Ok, cool. Some moderator updated the FAQ. @eelgoo can back me up when I say that 2-3 days ago the FAQ stated an item has to be posted on the blog within 1 week of being fulfilled. So it is becoming a private sharing site, cool.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @ace94 I didn't say that the one week rule doesn't still stand. I am pointing you to the fact that no one has to if it is a private share and that anyone in that share who posts the item without the sharer's permission is likely to be shunned in future. The fact that someone else may post it to the blog before them is a risk they take.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Private sharing sites inevitably fail from what I've experienced. If not done correctly, they are open for abuse. A new members get access to tons of content that they weren't around to contribute to and then, can share a couple of things and walk away with hundreds of items, never to be seen again. Then they share those hundreds of items with open sites like this to get points, rep or whatever. Many people in sharing sites lose interest. Many private sharing sites have a few great contributors and a dozen or more minor contributors unless everyone has to share a certain amount to get a certain amount. Sometimes, the unique interests of members causes the group to fold because of things like some people like blondes, some redheads and some brunettes or whatever else the group is sharing.

    I've already written above that users who share should get access to content before anyone else and that a week isn't long enough to make those who don't share wait. I see threads all the time from folks who offer hundreds of points for an item that has been filled, but not posted to the blog yet because they don't want to wait. Points are the currency of the realm here and, though utimately quite valueless in the real world, it seems to motivate many who share here. That's what the system should encourage-------more sharing.

    Rank: Rank 6

    I think you guys are also forgetting that you can always private message the person who filled the original request for the link. They are generally more than happy to share.

    Those who are complaining, are making it sound like you are bar from ever getting the asset cause it was never release to the main blog.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I like @oddytemper 's idea about making products cost more points in the blog depending on how much their real life value is. If a pro bundle costs $50-100 then the points should represent that in the blog. That way people who buy it from the blog pay almost the same as if they would request it in a thread. That way people don't feel cheated out on posting it there when they only earn 25 points from a $100 bundle.

    I think this requires the whole infrastructure of the site to be redesigned so I doubt Hunter would ever even consider it, when there are thousands of items already posted.

    Rank: Rank-2

    @ace94 (Dynasty), i thnk about it.
    If not for existing posts at the moment, then at least for new ones.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Yeah, for new items it could work. Something to think about for sure. Hopefully people are more likely to share that way.

    Rank: Rank-2

    From that point we have another problem. If cost in points is too much for user, he has more sense get this asset on side =\

    So here will be great found something else. It's may be another badge, "Contribution supporter" as example. Let`s search profit from that status, will be great, if thats be something more, than just visible rank.

    Option one:
    I can get badge "Contribution supporter" on next month, if i spend more than 2500+ points in current month. [goal Strengthening the local economy]. With that badge i can get free 250 bonus points.

    Option two:
    Here we can have something looks like "Hall of Fame", separated by badges, based on last month points spent.

    All the proposed options are deliberately left raw by me, for further discussion and make more details, or a generate other options.

    Just don't be afraid to suggest ideas. That's great place, i think, because every one can say that's think, even if they are looks idiotic for some one (:

    Rank: Rank 7

    If anything changes; which is inevitable with life; please remember that the folks who administer the site do this as a hobby, not a job.

    Any changes need to have a minimal effect on the Admins' workload, otherwise it will not happen if it is too time consuming & onerous.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @oddytemper good ideas. I think since we get 100 points for daily visit the "Contribution supporter" badge should be at least 3,200 points which will make people actually share something on the site to get that much since even with daily logins you can only get to 3,100 per month at the most.

    Rank: Rank-2

    @eelgoo, i agree. In discussion we can found concepts.
    For almost all ideas i check thru "spider developer sense".
    As a programmer, I usually envision a particular system as a whole from the point of view of implementation with minimal overhead.

    Rem: @ace94 (Dynasty) Here i looks thru prism, i’m already can get 100 free points at the day. And what’s why i use smaller bonus value in “Contribution supporter” monthly bonus option description.

    For now, we have ways to get points. And for now discuss another new ways to get points, as a reward bonus for user actions.
    Here is important do not get inflation with losing points value. In this context, minds about increasing points cost on some assets, gets sense.

    Rank: Rank-1

    There’s a rule on the site where if you don’t post the filled content on the blog within 1 week.

    I am fairly sure this was put in because of a rant I went on right before I deleted all my links and several others complained about the back door sharing. I see these rants pop up every so often about the same issues and either there is no way to fix it, Its to hard to implement or they just dont care and will let it run its course. There may be other reasons not listed so feel free to invent your own.

    I've suggested multiple ways to attempt a solution and others have also. I've seen the rewards system points go up and down. Seen people take advantage of it by posting freebies, change the color of a cars paint and post like the built the model from scratch, gather like items and call it a special bundle when everything is already posted. Things that should basically get people banned if they do it more than once.

    It is to the point where I come here every so often to see whats going on. No real need for points since everything from here is posted on multiple hosts for 0 points in a matter of minutes. I believe I know of at least one maybe two people that are the moles but, for fear of possibly being wrong I'll keep it to myself. And again it doesnt matter if they make money so long as stuff gets shared.

    Thats my biggest issue. I dont give a flying fig who posts what, what points they get or how they get it. Its about the community sharing amongst each other OPENLY! If you want to back door share amongst your friend go the fk somewhere else. You can easily communicate over emails. This site IMHO was designed to share as a community.

    That said, doing site contests promoted morale and interaction amongst the community and its all but died out and limping along leaning on its members to try and bring it back together.

    Rank: Rank 7

    Well, if it is 'limping' it is still quicker than the rest of the field!

    Rank: Rank-2

    Run Zone! Run!

    Rank: Rank 5

    A complication for me with some of these suggestions is that I contribute through another member because I find the linking process time-consuming and over-complicated. We share the points 50/50 which if fine because I'm not here for points. Wonder if anyone else does this?

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