Resources for GIMP?

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  • #482131
    Me Four
    Rank: Rank-1

    Excuse me for being poor. LOL I use GIMP not Photoshop due to GIMP being free and powerful and Adobe being greedy.

    I often see resources here for Photoshop but I have never seen any such resources, brushes etc. posted here for GIMP. Are there none, if not why?

    Rank: Rank-2

    I dunno, at least $9.95/mo for PS is actually pretty reasonable, IMHO. If Adobe were truly 'greedy', they'd still be charging hundreds of dollars for it. *shrug*

    Rank: Rank 4

    Arrrg, matey.. why not ye be gettin Photoshop CS6 for free? If ye be sailin in the black waters aboard a Jolly Roger wavin vessel, ye surely should be havin a booty such as it. Savvy?

    I not be given those scallywags any pieces of eight per month. CS6 is fine.

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