RenderHub prices?

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  • #2114957
    Rank: Rank 7

    Interesting insights. Thank you. 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    @itsmenotyou I'm not buying those sells either but... best of luck to him in his future endeavors.

    Rank: Rank 7

    He has gone to another level $124 for an eight buck morph! :0/

    Rank: Rank 3

    300 dollars for a morph is way too much. Even 20 is way too much. With 20 bucks I'd expect at least some kind of texture work or multiple characters. This guy is out of touch if he thinks his morphs are better than every other fully textured and shaded character lol.

    Rank: Rank 4

    There's an old saying, they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure".

    If an artist creates something UNIQUE (even a morph) that someone else desperately wants/needs, and cannot get it anywhere else, the person will open the wallet and buy it. The vendor then makes his profit back from time worked, with only 1 sale. If there's more than 1 buyer, then it is profits coming in. If if gets pirated, he wont care as much, been paid already and on to the next project. If he sold it for $12....good luck with that! It will be all over the free downloads in moments.

    It's a smart move to do it that way, IMO. *IF* you have something unique and of value. That's a big IF, but its not impossible.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @Medusa once again your on here talking about people pirating and the work ,costs that goes into the 3D assets yet your on here posting other artists content , what education did you get ? what would your mother say ? what would those other artists say if they knew your on here sharing their stuff ?
    A lot of us on here have heavily invested in this stuff every thing that any of the artists have with the exception that we don't make or try to make money from it and we spend hours and hours making stuff as well not to sell but just for the enjoyment of creating.

    FYI if you want to make good money maybe find something else to do , most of the artist from the bigger sites I've talked with say don't expect to make a living off of this they have full time jobs and make stuff to earn extra money , me myself I won't get out of bed for less than $350 a day and I work every day.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The weirdest thing I experienced in RH was a seller sending me a PM saying I KNOW WHAT YOU DID AND YOU WILL BE REPORTED NEXT TIME FOR PIRACY.
    I didnt even know this site existed back then, I bought and used a legitimate model. He just assumed i was doing something sketchy beause it was my first purchase. There was no next time, i never bought anything there again

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    If anyone thinks they will make a living from building and selling consumer-grade CG assets, they were sorely misled. Very, very, very few creators make enough from it to supplement their income, let alone live off of. If I were to guess, the ratio would be close to 1:7500, and I'm being very generous.

    There are only four people who really made it big from the whole consumer-grade CG market: Dan Farr, Chris Creek, Tim Choate, and Diane Thure-Griffin. The first two gentlemen created DAZ. Choate founded and built Renderosity. Ms. Thure-Griffin built and ran Renderotica (rumor has it that she died from cancer a few years ago.)

    Nearly everyone else paid these four people anywhere from 25-50% of each product sold on those three sites.

    Rank: Rank-1

    People are weird. Plenty of better deals out there.

    Rank: Rank 7

    @Medusa Do you honestly think it's smart to assume that you're going to get rich doing this? This is a side gig at best.

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