Recommended place for DAZ and Content

Home Page Forums General Chat Recommended place for DAZ and Content

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  • #275348
    Rank: Rank-1


    What is recommanded DAZ installation place and Content place ?

    It seems that DAZ grow fast with all content, and fast SSD disk will be filled up fast, so a large secondary disk is a good choice I guess.

    So that is why I wonder how you manage this.

    1. Do you install DAZ in C: drive in windows or at large secondarry disk ?

    2. Where do you place all content (content folder) in C: drive same as windows or at large secondarry disk ?

    Kind regards

    Rank: Rank 7

    I have daz installed on my c drive but all my content is on an external disc because there just is not enough room on my computer

    Tucker Pope
    Rank: Rank 3

    It'll work fine where ever you put it, as long as you don't use a system folder or something.

    You just need to make sure all the Daz software is pointed at the same place. They default to trying to stick in the public documents folder on windows. You can specify a different location. There won't be any problems as long you're consistent.

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