Problem with preview:

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  • #2041561
    Rank: Rank-1


    Hello guys, tell me, am I the only one who has this problem with images, or do you have this problem too?

    If this service constantly deletes images, maybe you can prohibit adding images from this photo hosting?

    Rank: Rank 5

    This already tackled, new uploads can not use postimg anymore. So these must be older, or at least before the change. Click submit post and you can see what hosts are eligible for use now.
    This blue sheit is due to overactive vendors on a rampage...
    We all see this just to be complete

    Rank: Rank-1

    These picture posts were sent today.


    Rank: Rank 5

    strange Just uploaded, and I had to choose different host...
    Found the upload, made print screen.
    Maybe empty cash ?

    Rank: Rank 5

    @Bobus444 - In that case the sharer deserves this and can only blame him/herself for not being aware of multiple threads on this topic.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Checked if I could open pic in new page, but that didn't work, Copied URL:

    So it is on postimage. That is strange because I could not use postimg when I upload about an hour or so back

    Rank: Rank-1


    I asked a friend who lives in another country to open it in another browser (IE in his case) and the same effect. What are we doing wrong?

    Rank: Rank 5

    nothing, As I said, I guess it is in my cash or something
    The link of the pic refers to postimg, and they allow vendors to report pics , witch they then delete
    anyway I showed you the pic now, so at least you know what it looks like

    Rank: Rank-1

    Yes, thank you for the image.
    I think this problem is that the postimg site itself does not display images for some countries.


    But I talked about the problem as a whole, so that it would be possible to prohibit adding images from this photo hosting.

    Rank: Rank 5

    it is no longer used.
    As I said
    In the top, go to submit post>add post click
    If you look at that page you can see what hosts are Mandatory to use..
    There is no more I can say.

    Rank: Rank 3

    I have same problem too. With VPN or without VPN not matter. Same results.

    Rank: Rank-1

    The problem is not postimg.... the problem is 3DJerk who reports every single picture that he is able to report. And postimg has to follow the report and delete the image

    Rank: Rank 7

    The older requests were started with postimages, so if something "older" gets Filled, then this blue effect can still happen, because of image reports.
    What @gaver print screened is a cached image on their side in their browser cache, that's why they can still see it 🙂
    We are still working on many new features like an option where you guys can replace your post's images too, but until that always make sure to search with the item's full and actual name (or with it's SKU) and you will find what you are looking for 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    At the moment, it is enough to simply limit the insertion of images from this photo hosting and this will no longer happen, otherwise it is impossible to use the site now where there are only blue deleted images.

    Rank: Rank-1

    impossible to use the site now???!

    How is it impossible to use?! Can't you just click on the link to the original file source and see what it is?! Doesn't the name of the item give you a clue as to what it is?! Screaming about missing pictures is pretty pathetic. Pay attention to what's been going on around here, don't just drop in, grab stuff you want and scream bloody murder when something doesn't work exactly the way you want. This place is run by volunteers and ALL the items are donated to the site for free by people who pay for them out of their own pockets. Be bloody grateful for what you're getting!

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