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  • #605897
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    True but, having a quality subject makes it way easier whether it be railroad cars, dead flowers or bulldogs.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @evilmonkey : I agree about breaking the rules, but you still need to have a basic understanding of those things. To break them, you have to know them. 😀

    Rank: Rank-1

    You can break a speed limit without knowing it or you can guess what it is based off your past knowledge and follow it.

    Rules are guidelines. Most of the more interesting stuff ive seen are those that think out of the box and bend or break thr rules to their will.

    Rank: Rank 4

    OFF TOPIC but at 56, I'm finding out that, after having done so my entire life, by following the rules you lose every time.
    Oh, I still get to say "I followed the rules", but I still lost and the ones who cheated in life are the ones who have the houses, cars, money and are happy. meanwhile, I have the rules I followed.
    ON TOPIC.. Maybe I should just break all the damn rules and use them as a guideline as to what NOT to do with my art and life. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    @d0gg0d: OK, let me rephrase that. You can break the rules without knowing them. That I can agree. But I think the rules are a way to train your eye, to learn how to compose and to use it as a basis.

    : I agree in life, following the rules almost always end up to our disadvantage.

    Rank: Rank 4

    @drgnmztr @d0gg0d @miarka Rules, Smules. You feel good because you followed the rules, you did the right thing. You ascend to a higher place in the end. You didn't have fun, you were bored, you had a bunch of i wish i wish i woulda moments.

    Artists interpret and bend the rules to fit their needs as long as they can explain how they think their actions fit the requirements in their mind. That's why art is art, and not technical drawing.

    Like i want a green picture, so they do a bunch of yellow and blue art, mixed together, and when you squint its all green. Stuff like that. I know that's a bad example, but you see what i mean. And they are like, well what is green, but yellow and blue mixed together. I've always been an 1 + 1 = 2 guy, probably why i never completed my art degree and went with IT.

    (In IT i preach every day, follow the god damned rules, stop breaking shit, every day, there is no room for creativity and risks, servers must stay up)

    Rank: Rank-1

    Browse Google's picture search for graffiti and see whats possible with a few cans of paint and a wall.

    Sure some artist spend weeks mapping out a plan but some just let it flow. Both have merit but to me the ones that open there soul and let it guide them have a sort of power to them.

    Rank: Rank-1


    Rule change. Ive seen the speed limit near me change 3 times. Ive seen some tolerances change in my line of work once. Laws change almost monthly now. Every time scientist think they have it right, they discover something new that changes everything they though were facts.

    Rules are just some form of crap to restrict your creativity. Do what you like an looks good to you. If someone doesnt like it, let them follow stict guidelines that keep them in a box. At one time there were no art rules and tge world still kept spinning.

    Ive said it before, Look at a tree against a blue sky and ask yourself if it grows according to the golden rule. Yet it is still a beautiful sight.

    Listening to someone break down art into math is a form of techno babble that I can live without.

    Rank: Rank 4

    @d0gg0d certain rules in life are in place for a reason.
    Speed limits in front of schools are there for the safety of the children.
    Speed limits for constructions zones, safety for the workers.
    A chairs weight limit of 200lbs.. etc etc.. Used as examples.
    Then we have morals which vary from person to person. (Mostly what my off topic was about but I always wind up getting screwed. Personal life issues. Don't mind me.)

    Art.. I believe in the rules as guidelines. Why? Because the math also corresponds to the psychological responses of the human mind most oftentimes than not.
    ANALOGY: I want to cook a meatloaf. I season it with rat poison and gasoline throwing all the rules of cooking out the window. If people survive, its going to taste like crap no matter how you slice it.

    I'm not saying you have to measure this object from that object and have the space be exactly .88734 cm x 81.00436cm apart at a 31.778 degree angle blah blah blah. (though some people are into that). But there are basic rules for guidelines which are appealing to the viewer.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Most rules are in place to protect the stupid.

    Dont drink shampoo. Wear a helmet. Dont smoke near gasoline.

    People have so little common sense the lawyers have a field day and the government needs to tell you how to live.

    If your kid drinks poison its your fault and you should go to jail not the guy that made the toiletbowl cleaner.

    Rules are in place because people dont know how to act.
    Natural selection should weed out the stupid but society protects them. Yes it harsh but, I would like a world full of smart people not idiots.

    Rank: Rank 4

    Now you're going down another road entirely. But I agree that there are a lot of warnings that are stupid. But common sense is nothing but a myth these days. Ahh. the world with only smart people. Or those with common sense. Probably only about 1 billion or less would populate the earth and I'd have a lot more property. 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Unfortunately im one of the idiots. Ive got a good bit of common sense but ive made a lot of poor choices. Smart person with no intelligence.

    Totally off the track of this thread but that's the internet for yah.

    If you feel you have to follow rules then do so. It's still art either way. Go watch "Invader Zim"

    jason david
    Rank: Rank-2

    @Miarka: Did you know I put some great video tutorials for painting and photography but really they tackle the problem of composition, which is essential to all visual art. Just perform a search here for 'Mastering Composition with Ian Roberts' and you'll find the 2 GREAT dvds to download. I never comment on someone's work in public out of respect unless they ask for it, that's all. Good luck but I see you're heading in the right direction really...I will be posting some more stuff on the subject because Portraiture is very difficult for me too especially when drawing faces so sometimes I get it perfect if i like the person or I don't get it at all when stressed....But Portraiture starts with drawing and from there do what you like...so I draw using a tablet but then I find it more interesting using the classical pencil, rubber and notebook/pad...

    Rank: Rank 4

    Even smart people make bad choices. Doesn't mean we're stupid or idiots. Just that we've made some bad choices. Thats a part of life. Nobody is perfect. LEARNING from those bad choices is what separates us. When we learn from mistakes and bad choices, we gain wisdom.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @jason : Thank you. I'll look at that DVD.

    : I didn't feel the discussion was off of this thread at all. I'm glad what say or did provoke a discussion. Please continue... even I agree with @drgnmztr.

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