OK now, @Ethiopia, I'm curious

Home Page Forums General Chat OK now, @Ethiopia, I'm curious

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  • #2081071
    Rank: Rank 4

    Hello all and sorry @ethiopia for tagging you like that but you've been arousing my curiosity long enough 🙂

    I started using DAZ and joined the community back when KAT still existed. Genesis 2 was already born and even if Stephanie 5 and all her siblings were still around, I never quite went back in time and never downgraded my models generation, thinking higher generation models were obviously better. I now know better but that's not my point here.

    There are countless posts on this forum where you (and a few others - yes @eelgoo, I'm talking about you lol) praise the merits of Vicky 4.2++ and her collection of skin enhancements, huge clothes and props library and so on. The last time was 3 days ago in response to Fred saying there was not much worth downloading lately (yes, I'm a diligent reader even if not a frequent poster).

    So my question is as follows: where should I start if I wanted to give her a go? A search on the forum here gives some hits with "Vicky 4" and I'm wondering if when you say "Vicky" you mean "Victoria". And if you do, is "Victoria 4.2" that one model you praise so much or is there another enhanced version around specifically called "++" to add on top of her?

    By now you see my dilemma: hundreds of links and no clue where to start.

    I was hoping you could maybe point me in the right direction 🙂

    I wish you all a good week-end and hope this message will find you in good health and shape!


    Rank: Rank 3

    (Ethiopia rubs his hands together and starts digging into his hard drive.)
    Hiya Matt. Give me a while to come up with a list. I'm in the middle of a busy weekend with kids and grandkids. It's the Canada Day weekend (July 1st) so we're going a bit nuts.

    Typing is slow because my good hand is like a huge sausage with fingers that resemble hot dogs. All thanks to some white faced hornets beside the garage door. Got that bastards back Thursday night by foaming their hive! It's so satisfying to stick the wand into the opening and spray. The stuff is like shaving cream and fills even a large hive in seconds. They scramble out, writhing in their death throes, covered in toxic foam as they fall to the ground. There had to be a hundred of them.

    Rank: Rank 6

    I'm guessing that would be the Victoria 4.2 base with the 4.2 shapes ++.
    Both included in the Victoria 4.2 starter bundle.

    It's a somewhat stylized figure compared to normal Genesis and there are a huge amount of nice clothes and accessories available.
    If the Victoria 4.2 pro bundle is available here you should start with that.


    Rank: Rank 3

    Vicky (V4.2) was (is?) the longest lived figure and saw a ton of improvements over the years. She culminated for Studio in V4.2++ There's numerous fixes for her bending issues, many of which are included in the latest version.

    Rank: Rank 7

    TBH I am more of a fan of the V4 clothes & hair than the model herself.

    That said, there are quite a few top tier characters that I would like to see ported over to G8F.


    Rank: Rank 4

    If you do go down that V4 path @Mathmathou, a character I've always liked is Erogenesis's Lali (R18), and her bits (also R18) if that's your thing.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I think it's the cosmopolitan character series. Some of the better/best textures.
    Click on her then click and update them to Uber textures. GND and NGM morphs are nice. I just used a G8 dress on V4 with dforce. Will post her soon. I couldn't get v4 clothes to fit in daz without a great deal of effort so oddly g8 clothes worked better.

    Rank: Rank 5

    The last time I saw Victoria she was very flexible...

    Rank: Rank 4

    @Ethiopia: no rush, a new workweek has just begun for me. Take care of your fingers and thanks for the foam tip, I’d never have thought about that (I usually use gasoline).

    : thanks for the tip – I already have the Pro Bundle but I might re-download it just to make sure I have a late version instead of the old one sleeping on my hard drives

    : the only clothing set I have tried so far for v4 is the regular V4.2 bodysuit (SKU 4829) and I was unable to find the texture in my library (neither DAZ nor Poser) - I’ll make sure to have a look at what’s available for her, thanks

    @franck22: I’ll certainly go down the V4 path because I’ve read too much about it to not give it a try. As for your kinky links, I’ll probably give it a try to 🙂

    : I’ll remember that when I’ll give her a try, thanks (I'm just pretending here, I have no clue what you are talking about 🙂 )

    : after seeing that picture, that definitely convinced me that I had to give her a try 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    Just messing around with V4

    Rank: Rank-1

    8 is much better though

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