New KB3d kits

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  • #2039577
    Rank: Rank 3

    New set here :

    Iron Forge

    Rank: Rank 5

    Looked amazing so downloaded Parts of egypt due to download limits. NEver had this before. I imported the OBJ th DS, and that was what I got, ghiant OBJ. How do I break this up in usable parts? Please don't tell me I have to learn blender or whatever.... 🙂

    Rank: Rank 3

    @naemi Enchanted (blender only) is available for torrent at gcpeers. Can be exported to fbx or obj for use in DS.

    , i import into blender and then export each individual asset as an fbx/obj. it's the easiest way I've found. Just make sure you include "materials" in your export, which will export an 'mtl' file for the asset as well. there was a thread about how to do it around here somewhere.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @Ulysses I already got it on zonegfx since I wrote that but thanks anyway. I'm looking for Iron Forge now. 🙂

    You can use that will remember where it left off when it hits the limit.

    Rank: Rank 5

    True forgot about that, stupid me. But I do not think it is for me, no clue about blender. A well can't win ehm all

    Rank: Rank 7

    I think it is necessary to edit the shared content to ensure exclusive content and the rights of individuals with property:
    e.g. @Queensknight's "kb3d" shared assets are full packages,
    Content like this, I think needs to be raised to 5000p -> 10,000p, I like this. By the way, thank you @Queensknight again...! (this is my own opinion)

    Rank: Rank-1

    does anyone has kitbash3d emerceny response?

    Rank: Rank-1

    I love the idea of these kits but wish they'd bring out some interiors in various architectural styles. I'm thinking Baroque, Art Deco and Art Nouveau. I'd even buy those. I've asked them but not gotten a response.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    I'm still on deployment with MSF at the moment, but when I get home in December I'll get caught up on the KB3D stuff.

    Rank: Rank-1

    @QUEENSKNIGHT if you would be able to post the KB3D cargo stuff you'll be my new best friend.

    I have looked for them all since they have been released but so far no luck....

    Rank: Rank Overload

    @5200north, the hassle with Cargo is that you have to download every asset one at a time, which is probably why none of the Cargo exclusives have made it into the wild yet. It's tedious (and carpal-tunnel-syndrome inducing) to have to click on hundreds of individual assets one at a time, and then organize them into something resembling a "kit".

    Another issue with Cargo is that it only gives you access to the versions of the objects for the software you have installed, so if you only have, say, Blender installed you can only get the KB3D assets for Blender. To get the versions for Maya, 3DS Max, Houdini, C4D, Unity, Unreal, etc., you'd need to have those apps installed and bridged to Cargo. And of course you'd have to click on every asset for each of those platforms...

    The KB3D folks aren't exactly eager to give people an all-you-can-eat buffet like Cargo and make it easy to just download everything in a handful of mouse-clicks. People have requested the ability to download full kits with Cargo, but (understandably) the KB3D folks are hesitant. So at the moment, using Cargo to download a "kit" is an exercise in patience.

    The irony is that Cargo is really a sweet solution. Most people don't really want to install a full kit anyway--they want to browse the assets and pick the ones they want to use, and only download those. People who want to use KB3D assets in Daz Studio, for instance, typically complain that they have to load a massive scene with all the kit objects in it, just to pick out the handful they want to use and delete the rest. Cargo as an asset-browser is fantastic, but it's not designed for downloading entire kits.

    Some clever person may eventually write a script to download Cargo assets and package them in a kit format, but until then the Cargo exclusives will be a pain (in the wrist) to download. I'll see how it's evolved over the past few months when I get home in December.

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