New Find, But Had To Dig For It

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  • #2072154
    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    Artist: Saphir*nishi

    The goodies: A ton of stuff for G3, G8, G2, v4...

    Her newer stuff is locked behind a Discord server (I think?), but a lot of her older stuff is right there ready to d/l.

    Start here, and work your way to the front page, one page at a time:

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    NOTE: Most of these are for Marvelous Designer, but there are some DAZ-oriented goodies in here, so pick carefully.

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thank you for the update.

    I had this bookmarked a couple of years ago, but since the Kemono page hadn't any new offerings in a long time I decided to delete the bookmark. Glad you found it again 🙂

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    I originally ignored it because of all the MD files in there, but discovered that she (he?) had a lot of DAZ stuff earlier on.

    Rank: Rank-1

    How did I miss that.... I only saw the MD pages 🙁

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