Moving my DAZ "content"

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  • #1973046
    Rank: Rank 4

    Hello all,

    As suggested in the title, I'd like to move my content library (and all non directly related to the application folders) to another drive. My C is getting cultured with "other things" and I'd like to migrate to my D drive some 50 Gb (not that much compared to some of you lol) to my D drive.

    Before messing everything, I'd like confirmation that the highlighted folders in the coming screen shots are what I need to modify in order for my DAZ setup to continue working properly 🙂

    Screen 001

    Screen 002

    Screen 003

    Thanks in advance and have a good day


    Rank: Rank 4

    Never mind, I figured it out 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    I've always made it a point to have every program put it's shit on another drive. I have a BIG HDD for all this crap. While it might make loading stuff a bit slower, it keeps the program folders 'clean'. It's a bit of a shock how fast Daz gathers content. It's as if some mysterious force keeps adding items you probably won't use.

    Rank: Rank 5

    make a copy of C:\Users\Public\Documents\Install Manager\ManifestFiles (Like ManifestFilesOLD..) -Or your path for the .dsx files.
    Your "Install Manager" install, par example in C:\My daz library...
    YOU NEED RENAME to the new path ALL the .dsx.
    Easy task wuith "Renamer", in
    Just, add the folder, add the rule YOUR ACTUAL PATH to THE NEW PATH... a clik in "rename" button.
    Then, Install Managar can unistall any content..
    See a .dsx file in any tet editor, and see the line with "<UserInstallPath VALUE="

    Although I think this only works for the name of the files... Otherwise, you will have to edit the path if you want to uninstall a particular content...

    Or create a "bacth" in python... 😀

    Rank: Rank 5

    Maybe, some like this:
    BUT, You must have some knowledge about Python... the language, and, of course, isntall in your OS...
    his is the point....

    Seemed complicated... It's very easy to learn Python, not before Daz's .dsa/dse, with a mixture of Json and his "fucking Dson bitches..."

    Rank: Rank 4

    Why do all that, just about any text editor has find & replace features built in.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @gts6, perhaps, Notepad ++, open all (or a partial selection..) and menu/search/replace...
    Then, "Save all.."...I think is a good option...
    BUT BEFORE...a copy! 😀

    Rank: Rank 3

    You can do it using the command line. Back in the days of Windows 95 and when migrating from Novell Netware to WinNT servers, I once had to change the contents of several tens of thousands of files. That was like 25+ years ago though and I can't remember the details, apart from it being a right pain in the proverbial to get it working.

    ChatGPT thinks this might work:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "searchPattern=*.dsx"
    set "outputFile=output.txt"
    rem Iterate over each file with the specified suffix
    for %%F in ("%searchPattern%") do (
        set "inputFile=%%F"
        rem Create a temporary output file
        set "tempFile=!inputFile!.temp"
        rem Iterate over each line in the input file
        for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("!inputFile!") do (
            rem Modify the line using awk command
            for /f "delims=" %%b in ('echo %%a ^| awk "{gsub(/C:\\\\MY_RUNTIME/, \"D:\\\\MY_NEW_RUNTIME\"); print}"') do set "modifiedLine=%%b"
            rem Write the modified line to the temporary output file
            echo !modifiedLine! >> "!tempFile!"
        rem Replace the original file with the temporary output file
        move /y "!tempFile!" "!inputFile!"

    But I've not tested it.

    Rank: Rank 5

    ChatGPT thinks? LOL

    Rank: Rank 4

    Wow... I thank you for all the technical answers but I just wanted to move my data folders 🙂
    Don't worry, everything is fine and works normally and I reclaimed some space on my C.



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