Morph Converting

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  • #383716
    Rank: Rank 3

    I've been trying to find a way to convert this two female morphs to male morphs, does anyone have any tips?

    Morphs in Question

    Rank: Rank-1

    It seems no one has an answer for you, but I do. For the G3 version, you could use GenX to transfer the morph to G3F, now G8F should be another story. I read a post on daz forums for G3, but it might also apply to G8.

    From Daz thread:

    One can also use the transfer utility

    I'm not sure I remember all the steps for a 100% perfect transfer, but.

    1. Load up G3F and M
    2. Select the character you're transferring from, In this example, lets say G3M, Favorite the morphs you want transferred in the parameters panel and dial in either the G3F clone or if you have the Cross Figure Resource kit The "Transfer to" morph from that (you will need to turn on show hidden in the parameters panel to find them) Dial out any othe morphs that may be applied, you want just the clone morph
    3. Go to edit>object>transfer utility
    4. For source select the figure with the morphs you want transferred, in this instance G3M, set item shape to "Current" (this way the clone you dialed in will be taken into account)
    5. For target figure set the figure you want the morphs transferred to, in this instance G3F leave the item shape alone.
    6. Click show options, there's a lot of stuff there, but we won't be using most of it.
    -have checked only:
    "Smart left/right filtering"
    "closest vertex first" (this one is new to the latest beta, but will make the areas around the eyes transfer a bit better, but isn'r 100% necessary if you don't want to use the beta)
    -"Morph targets"
    Click morph targets to see the extended options, set the source to "favorites" and unclick "from projection template"
    Everything else should be unclicked, we dont want weight maps or to fit one figure to another.
    7. Hit accept, your morphs should transfer pretty nicely!
    8. You will need to save your morphs as any other morph under save as > support asset > morph asset

    One note transferring morphs does not do things like transferring changes to rigging, so if you have a morph that drastically alters the proportions of the figure (like changes to height,) things will look weird when you pose the figure, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial

    It may or may not work, but give it a try.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Oh! Thank you I'm going to try this last time I tried the genx2 I didn't know what I was doing hopefully, this would help.... if not this is going to quickly become a "Someone convert this morph I'll give you point for it"

    Rank: Rank 6

    Is there not a product that allows you to swap morphs between genders? There's a texture/UV swap script, surely something like that but for morphs would make someone some money?

    Rank: Rank-1

    GenX2 and GenX do for G3 and lower, but not for G8. Unless someone has the GenX/2 source at Daz or somewhere else, someone has to make it from scratch.

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