Kassandra AC:Origins

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  • #1876865
    Rank: Rank 4

    It has been brought to my attention that my Kassandra updload will possibly be taken down by Renderhub.
    While I appreciate the offers of additional points for private distribution I won't take them.
    Because Kassandra by ROMFX feetures even less original work than his other models. Absolutely nothing to be exact, because he just repacked and renamed the work of another content creator.

    The Kassandra model he ripped off and sells is available for free at DeviantArt:


    Rank: Rank 4

    Lol, oh lovely, that tosser is looking up my posts and got essentially all my files deleted.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Yeah for some reason the thieves seem to get really pissy when people pirate the stuff they've stolen.

    Rank: Rank-2

    Well I'm not going to lie, I've been watching this model for the last four days waiting for it to go live and today it finally goes live and is already a dead post lol. I've checked and luckily I already have the model because I'm a Deviant Art user but what about the outfit, does anyone know what outfit she's wearing in that promo shot and if it's available on here please?

    Edit: I found it https://zonegfx.com/repost-goddess-minerva-outfit-for-genesis-8-females/ now we have the whole thing 🙂

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