Just a simple question...

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  • #500281
    Rank: Rank 3

    does anyone manage to (gpu) render in daz with a ATI/AMD cuda based card ?
    if so..(such i hardly believe) was it more/less iray similar ?

    Rank: Rank 3

    don't remember i posted this in..."free resources" ???
    ok, can it be moved to "general chat" ?

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm not sure what you call "cuda" when speaking about an AMD card because CUDA is strictly an Nvidia technology. That's precisely why you won't be able to Iray with any ATI/AMD or even Intel GPU.

    As far as I know, Iray is the only wait to GPU-render from within Daz, but maybe external renderers like Reality or Octane would accept an AMD GPU.

    Rank: Rank 3

    for years now, there r some CUDA based ATI/AMD graphic card (goog for it). i have an old but fast svr in my atic and it (mostly) only work with ATI tech (don't know why, wheneva i mount a nvidia card...it just freeze, good drivers or not).
    this svr is linux based so before i turn it into a pure w10 machine and try some render with it i wanted to see/check if one managed to iray render on a ATI card and which one.
    i do know its not common, but sometimes, some amazing things could happend ! no ?
    Yes of course, i can use an external render tool...but as far i seen, they are generally much more slower !

    Rank: Rank 6

    @Mikoweb From what I've read, not all Nvidia cards (even with Cuda support) can use Iray and being that Iray is an Nvidia technology I'm betting that it won't work with an AMD/ATi card even if it has Cuda cores available. But I'm only assuming, I can't find any documentation to support that.

    You can use "Reality" (luxrender) and IBL Master for light based renders without iray with AMD cards.

    Rank: Rank 3

    yes @EvilMonkey, tks for your intervention.
    I have the choice to buy a full cuda based ati card or a nvidia that has +- the same specs (8x, 500 Mhz, DDR3, PCI 2.0) as the actual ati raddeon graphic card plugged in the pc.
    in the doubt...i bought this simple nvidia with 2gb. that could make it.
    Yes, as far i read too...there's strictly no way to +-'iray' render with a ATI card, whatever its own specs...get to wait for daz to add the pbr option for AMD/ATI in the render tool...who ever knows...that can be funny !

    Rank: Rank 6

    @mikoweb according to Daz they recommend at least 4GB vram on your graphics card for iray. Anything less and it may run out of memory and default to cpu render.

    Rank: Rank 3

    1/ "recommend"...i seen very good render with integrated 2Gb gpu (simple sceneries).
    2/ 2gb + 16 Gb RAM, there's probably a way to re-route a bit of it in the render process.
    once again, if someone has serial key for the nvidia gpu bridge svr plugin ...???? let me know ! can give some points for it !

    Rank: Rank-1

    A late response (I wasn't even registered when this was fresh), but AMD GPUs don't have CUDA technology, the A.P.I., or support for it. What they have, and is sometimes mentioned as "CUDA", is AMD's equal, OpenCL. OpenCL is, theoretically, available cross-platform, in both Nvidia, and AMD GPUs, but, AMD fares way better with it. Blender's cycles engine is OpenCL optimized, and, most of Blender artists, run AMD GPUs for cycles rendering.
    That said, there are forum posts, for some software, that's allegedly converts CUDA programming, and allows it to be usable by AMD GPUs, or even x86 CPUs.

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