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  • #2111760
    Rank: Rank-1

    We've had this discussion B4. There's a line between plagiarism and inspiration. Grabbing a picture and making small changes is NOT your work its blatant plagiarism. Me taking a picture and running it through an Adobe filter isnt My art. Me taking a picture and running it though AI isnt my art. Me taking a Daz character and Rendering it really isnt "my" art. I posed a 3d character someone else made using a pose someone else made in an environment someone else made. Its sort of mine an it sorta isnt. One reason I rarely if ever use a fully dialed character.

    All of this stuff allows us to make art easier. The more we do/change the more we make it "ours". Rolling Dice till we get what we think looks good isn't exactly art IMHO. Sure it looks amazing but did you do it or did you settle for what you though looked ok. Is it different or does it look like 200 other art works? Is it inspired or is it just an altered copy?

    AI art is almost like spin painting. Toss a bunch of paint on a canvas, Give it a good spin and see if it looks good. If not wipe it off and spin again. Only thing is youre using another persons work as your base.

    Daz is just posing a bunch of Barbie dolls and playing dress up.

    I may be oversimplifying it a bit but it is what it is.

    If I am inspired by the movie Blade and make a black babe that hunts vampires its a bit different than taking a screenshot of blade and running it through an AI to get Blade 2.0.

    All my opinion of course

    Rank: Rank 5

    So if DS is cheating and AI is cheating I guess we'll have to re-name our Art Competitions "Cheating Contests".... best cheater wins 🙂

    Rank: Rank-1

    There's a difference between skill and talent.

    Skills you learn. Talent you're born with. I like art. Unfortunately I have no talent and little skill.

    This person is gifted with talent and has no need for a computer to generate random crap or rely on a person to created anything other than basic materials.
    If I could do this without a crutch to lean on I would be content.

    Eve Adams
    Rank: Rank 6

    Interesting take Adam. Where would photography fall on the cheat scale?

    Rank: Rank-1

    Since I suck at art I took up photography for awhile.

    I remember seeing several things I photographed and I made none of them.

    I think it's more enjoying what is and preserving it for others. Capturing moments so not to be lost. There are absolutely some that are more talented or skilled at doing so. Some alter the images into something different, some set up things that don't exist. I did a bit of photo manipulation for awhile.

    Taking a picture of a women that exist doesn't mean you had anything to do with her being born. Lightning her correctly takes skill. Envisioning the outcome takes talent. Anyone can push a button. Everyone has a camera in their phone. You can look at a very well done portrait and say that a skilled photographer took it. You can look at other pictures and see that a talented person took it. A bit of difference between clicking a camera for family photos at Sears and taking it to another level.

    How many sunsets can a photographer really take credit for? Did they place the clouds or select the shades of orange and purple? You may see the beauty and frame it in an image but couldn't anyone else looking up at it see the beauty? Could you paint it? Pencil it? Or just push a button? Those are all ways to save the moment. Which takes more skill/talent? Could you reproduce the image a week later without having taken the picture?

    This kid was probably taught the skills needed to play piano. He was born with the talent.

    There are talented artists who use Daz and AI as a shortcut. There are skill artists that use them as a crutch. The quick flood of TONS of AI images tells me little talent is needed to produce images. Not much different than a group of tourists with cameras. Eventually someone will take an amazing image if enough people keep clicking. Keep feeding AI words and eventually it might select what you think you want. Keep playing with digital dolls and you will get better at posing and lighting them. Keep clicking pictures an eventually one will be amazing.

    Unfortunately most people won't play a concert hall at 3. If you feel I'm wrong I'd be interested in knowing why.

    Eve Adams
    Rank: Rank 6

    So, would you say that puts photography at the same level as Daz? Someone else made the props, but we still need to place them, pose them, and light them.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Different skills are needed and applied differently. I can select what HDRI I want to light the sky. I can't select a sky as a photographer unless I PS it. I can select a Cyberpunk environment easier in Daz.

    But I guess it's similar. Daz is a more controlled environment and easier to manipulate.

    I select a model. Select an environment. Envision an outcome and then set it up. Real life is a bit different since the clouds will be different tomorrow. My HDRI will always be the same.

    Eve Adams
    Rank: Rank 6

    That's a fair point about a changing sky. I nearly always use an HDRI of some description but rarely rely on it to fully light a scene. I still like to throw a spotlight or two into the mix.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Yeah. I usually add at least one fill light.

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