Is AA a real thing?

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  • #2099609
    Rank: Rank 5

    did that last year 😛

    Rank: Rank Overload

    Two stories, both from today, can prove both.
    1. I had bid 10000 pts on an item days ago.
    Today a member pointed out to me that I had filled
    it a few days previous.
    2. In the new requests there was a model, again, I bid 10000
    pts for it. Again a member sent me a pm telling me the item was on
    the blog for free.
    I looked it up, it was there,.... I had downloaded it 48 hours before
    Sensory overload.
    I need a vacation or a new dealer

    Rank: Rank 5

    you need organisation

    home made

    Rank: Rank 5

    You've got too much going on Anna... relax, have a vacation or read a book, I recommend this one.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I find doing something else helps. Lately I've been doing duolingo (learning Swedish). It helps - when I need a break from my computer. Gaming also helps.

    Right now I'm moving over 200 assets that have been already installed on my PC to another external drive. All of these files are sorted by date. Sometime later this month - got to copy my database to external HDD before I get my new PC.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @Anna1945, a well deserved break might be for the best.

    yes, the side projects definitely help me.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I look at it this way:

    My dad is a genuine hoarder. His house is filled with bags and boxes of decades-old junk that he refuses to let go of, and sometimes even perishable food that goes bad and needs to be thrown out. It's consistently caused problems with keeping his place clean, being able to do important maintenance and repairs, and so on.

    I've come to recognize I absolutely have the same hoarding impulses he has, but I've managed to keep it almost totally limited to the digital realm. So the deal I've made with myself is, my digital space can be cluttered and obsessive as long as I take care of my physical living space.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I have an old house I'm constantly fiddling with on a never ending remodel. I still have the first car I ever bought 48 years ago which also needs some fiddling. Then I bicycle...a lot! I went for an imperial century yesterday (160 kms) which brought my yearly total to 11,000 kms. It lets me do my best thinking an keeps me in great shape.

    Rank: Rank-1

    I'm also an addict. But I'm probablyt a bit luckier than you (depending how you see it) in that I only use Poser, and there is less and less content I can easily use in Poser, both from purchase and from sharing, so I'm slowly moving towards the point of .. equilibrium, of sorts. But i still spend most of my time organizing the stuff, which is why I started a thread in the Art Showcase where I actually try to RENDER the stuff

    Shameless Plug!

    Good thing Im not in a position to buy a house like that, or I would never get out in public again!

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