Is AA a real thing?

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  • #2099495
    Rank: Rank 6

    Hello, so I've been struggling with the decision on whether or not to ask this question. I'm more of an introvert and love to keep things to myself. But lately, I feel that this "problem", if I can call it that yet could become another achilles' heel for me in this tangled web of life.

    Again, I'm not one for oversharing but I'm simply wondering if there's anyone out there that are slightly.. becoming addicted to collecting assets? Is it real thing? Are there a place in the world for people like us?

    I've already cleaned up my PC and library once this year and just recently this past week. Organizing and moving things over to various storage drives. So now that I have a cleaner PC and... library. I guess I've been able to see things more clearly. I'm hoping this is a judge-free zone and people here share their experiences as well. As I type this I'm currently putting out yet another request. Thank you.

    Rank: Rank 5

    The zone is the first internet page I open in the morning, I got a fairly large amount of zip files..

    Almost my whole PC is catering this hobby.
    Is it addiction?

    Rank: Rank 6

    You don't have to worry, I'm a hoarder too, although I (kinda) quit collecting non-human models 😀

    Rank: Rank 3

    Way back when I started (in the days of Mike & Vicky 4 and there were more pirate sites around) I said I’d give Daz a try. Maybe 2-3 years later I had 1 Tb of assets.

    I’m 3Dmouse and I’m an asset addict.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I have been hooked on it since the Millenium.


    Rank: Rank 6

    Whew, feels like a weight has been lifted. Glad to know I'm not alone in this journey.

    that's some serious dedication right there.

    Rank: Rank Overload

    AA helped me tremendously.
    At first the meetings were difficult to attend but got through it.
    Congratulations on the first step!!!!

    Rank: Rank-1

    I've always 'tried' (and been reasonably successful) to only get stuff I know I'll use.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @Ethiopia it's a smart strategy. I recently got over my sentimental love affair with Gen 3 models before retiring them into storage. Now I'm cleaning up Some of the Gen 8 models, hairs and clothes I know I'll never use. Particularly the dated content that lack quality.

    I often find myself doing mental gymnastics, "Maybe I'll need this later?" that sort of thing.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @Anna1945 thanks, I just have to remember to take it one day at a time. I was in denial at first but my loved ones helped me see the error in my ways.

    Rank: Rank 7

    I'm an addict also. In the process of buying a new computer, as I need more space for my assets. I know I'm going to need to check which assets that I don't use and get rid of them or put them into special folders.

    Rank: Rank 6

    @Elim A new PC, huh? Have fun with the elimination process.

    Rank: Rank 5

    "check which assets that I don't use and get rid of them or put them into special folders."

    get rid of them = cured of addiction
    put them into special folders = still addicted

    Rank: Rank 5

    Reading all this, I think I need a therapist in stead of these meetings....
    Took on the daunting task to reorganise all the zip's, reorganise the folder structure so it matches my libs. (6TB give or take)
    So if ever I need to reinstal a lib, al I would have to do is do a search on my setup drive and extract.
    So zips look Like:
    Female Clothes\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Cardigan

    So no more "content" folders, vendor name folders, extra folders in main options ( characters, clothes, poses, >**john2024**<)

    Guess they wanna increase the meds now...

    Rank: Rank-2

    You think you're bad? I bought a whole new computer just for this hobby! XD

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